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The Samurai A History Of The Warrior Clans Of Japan

The Samurai: A History of the Warrior Clans of Japan


The samurai, or bushi, were members of professional warrior clans who played a central role in the history of Japan for centuries. This extensively illustrated volume includes the finest examples of swords, sword mountings and fittings, and armor. In the vast tapestry of human history, certain threads stand out vibrant and enduring. The samurai are one such thread, a warrior class that emerged in Japan during the Heian period (794-1185) and played a pivotal role in the country's history for centuries.

Samurai Warriors

The samurai were skilled in both horsemanship and archery, and they were also renowned for their loyalty and courage. They were often employed by daimyo, or feudal lords, to protect their lands and to fight in wars. The samurai code of honor, known as bushido, emphasized loyalty, courage, and self-sacrifice. Samurai were expected to live by the code both on and off the battlefield, and those who failed to do so were often punished severely.

The Decline of the Samurai

The samurai class began to decline in the 16th century, as firearms became more common and the feudal system began to break down. By the 19th century, the samurai had lost most of their power and influence. However, the samurai code of honor continued to be influential in Japanese society, and samurai values are still admired today.

Image: Samurai in battle, detail of twelve battle scenes, 1600-1700.
